Sunday, May 23, 2010


We pushed on down today to Montignac, which is right near the caves at Lascaux. We arrived mid afternoon and, after checking in at the campsite, wandered around the town for a while looking for the supermarket (Intermarche). It was actually quite hot and we were quite parched. Eventually, I asked at the tourist information to ask where it was. The expression on the lady behind the counter didn't give me much hope. 'Exusez-moi. Non parlez Francais. Er.... Intermarche?' Confusion. 'In-ter-mar-che?' The woman drew herself up in her seat, sucked in a great nasal hiss and haughtily exclaimed 'Ong-tair-mar-shay!'
Oui. We got directions.
Anyway, the campsite was pretty nice, althought wi-fi was diabolically exspensive. 3 euros per hour. We are booked in for 3 nights to give a us 2 full days to explore the area.

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